Above is a sweet bullfighting ring that we randomly snuck into and walked around in after we tried to go the this awesome famous beach and castle area and couldn't because the train workers were on strike.
Afterward we determinately found a lesser know beach we could get to and made our way there. This beautiful laundry was right next to the pier.

I feel like this could be a book cover with Michelle as the protagonist in a coming-of-age drama

I think this qualifies as a mollusk? Anywho, whatever critter lives in that was definitely still inside and i wanted to open it to see..

Being here just made me understand all those books I've read about people fascinated with the sea. I could picture living in a lighthouse and gazing over that glorious and mysterious expanse for hours.

Then this happened...

Maybe all that fresh sea air wasn't so good for me after all :)

The next morning we met up with some of our pals and checked out some of the sights. I saw this on the way and loved the color so here it is

Then we made it to this amazing cathedral connected to a monastery. My goodness was it ever beautiful! It was one of the smallest ones I had been into but so intricately decorated!

Thanks Portugal for a great weekend!