So Granada pretty much changed my life. I will always want to go back to Andalusia and drink in all the amazingness of that city. Here are some more good moments. Above in the chapel where Ferdinand and Isabel are buried along with most of there children. It is a sweet chunk of history.

...And this is the Chinese restaurant where we randomly decided to eat dinner. Was is delicious? Check. Was it cheap? Check. Did in include three courses and dessert? Check. All requirements met.

This is one of the lamps that line streets. I love it and took far too many pictures of them. To me it looks like one of those little 3-D puzzles you have to figure out how to separate and put back together.

Moorish/Arab Markets! So I probably could have spent all of my money in this place. I love this stuff! Erin is obligingly holding up a sweet pair of Alladin pants that I regretfully did not purchase. But everything smelled like amazing incense and was covered in beautiful designs and colors. Gah! I love it!

Granada was also the site of probably the best graffiti I have seen. Check this out:

If you can't read that it says "Nuestros Suenos" or Our Dreams. I kind of want to paint my house this way.

This one says "Art for Everyone!" I couldn't agree more.

Ok, so as you probably know by now I fail at posting things in order. We are headed back into the Alhambra for a bit to see more of that magical place.

This pond is at the top of a hill overlooking the city and comes from the Spring that is the source for all the water in the Alhambra. Water was so significant for these people and I love the way they always remember water as their source of life and give it important symbolism.

Alice in Wonderland anyone?

This is a plaque on one of the walls that translated means, "He went to Granada for silence and time, but Granada gave him harmony and eternity."

Here's the group! I spend everyday with these people and it has been great.
Below, Paul (our director's husband) decided to pose for me without knowing it :)
Below, Paul (our director's husband) decided to pose for me without knowing it :)

Amazing ancient floor. Lesson: Always look down.

This is the ceiling, what!? ALWAYS look up.
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