After Bilbao we spent a couple days soaking in the sun on the (still cold) coast of the Bay of Biscay. It was nice to get some good relaxing into our stressful schedule :)

Yes, it was freezing, but totally worth it.

One of the group made this perfect inscription, and it made me realize that the beach is just like a giant sketchbook which led to this:

Which, when everyone started standing around taking pictures and staring led to this:

A couple guys passing by saw the crowd fascinated at what I was drawing and came down to check it out. We talked for a while and tried to teach each other tongue twisters in our languages for a while. eventually they had to go because they were part of the Carneval celebration in the city. They invited us to meet them at a bar later, but we decided to forgo that. Anyway, hooray for fun friends in Spain!
Early the next morning we were off exploring again.
Early the next morning we were off exploring again.

We went to France in the middle of the day, but that evening brought more fun picture-taking opportunities and we saw some of the toned-down craziness of Carneval.

Here I had fun messing with the shutter speed on my camera to give Chelsea wings. What you don't see is Michelle frantically flapping her white-clad arms in the background. It was a very entertaining experience.

Next Morning: Children awesomely having soccer tournaments on the Beach!

Erin, Emily, Michelle, and I decided to hike up to the monolithic statue of Jesus on the other side of the beach. Here Emily and Michelle try to catch up after taking a wrong turn. Many turn astray while seeking Jesus, but there are always those to help them back on the path.

Afterward, I hiked all the way to the other end of the beach to see some sweet and famous iron sculptures.

I raced back to the hotel and barely got myself together on time to meet at the bus. Luckily I have friends who make those rides entertaining.

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