Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Consuegra and Cordoba

This is a taste of the culture clash that is Southern Spain. We spent four days in the areas of Consuegra, Sevilla, Cordoba and Granada. These (particularly Granada) were the last strongholds of the ancient Arab empire in the Iberian Peninsula before the completion of the Reconquest under Los Reyes Catolicos Isabel y Fernando - The Catholic Monarchs Isabella and Ferdinand. Cordoba is the site of the amazing "La Mezquita" or mosque with beautiful polychromatic arches. It is now officially a Cathedral and a gaudy baroque chapel is in planted in the center of the reverent and mystical colonnades. They regretted the decision and later said "They have ruined something extraordinary with something ordinary" I agree, but still loved it. I go crazy for the southern style and flavor of the Mediterranean.

Inside the Mezquita

Yes they just have citrus trees growing everywhere outside - what!

Success! Also the nastiest orange I have ever tasted :)

More of la Mezquita - just imagine 500 men all kneeling and saying their prayers out loud in unison. It gives me chills.

This is the Mihrab - the most sacred spot of the Mosque in the practice of Islam

Cynthia to the rescue with our tickets! Our director is a superstar

Consuegra! This is the region of La Mancha where we get the famous Don Quixote attacking windmills.

I saw this and it reminded me of Lord of the Rings Return of the King when they light the beacons of Gondor to call the King of Rohan for aid. If you will notice there is another little pillar in the mountain in the distance. Call me a nerd if you will, but I thought it was awesome.

As you can see we are very serious photographers.

Yep, well I was pretty excited to be there. It was yet another one of my favorite weekends. This is the life.

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